How To Set 40k Business Revenue Goals You Can Achieve

There are many, many female small business owners struggling to make enough sales and revenue in their small businesses, to make their businesses worthwhile.
So much effort is being invested in growing businesses, for so little return.
My entire mission is to change that, and to help ladies just like you set out a path to start to achieve 40k goals.
Those 40k goals might be:-
- 40k revenue
- 40k sales
- 40k subscribers
- 40k likes, comments, downloads, saves, outbound clicks
- and more…
What would it mean to you to not only set, but actually achieve 40k goals in your small business?
For many female small business owners it’s life-changing.
In this blog post we can create a plan to help you achieve 40k revenue goals.
Stay tuned, because I have more blog posts on the way, to help you achieve ANY 40k goals you want in your small business.
Hitting 40k goals can be completely transform your business and your life. I’m here to help you make this happen.
Read. Save. Take notes. Implement.
Let’s dive in.
1. The Start Of Your 40k Journey
Reaching any 40k goal in your business starts by making sure you have the best and safest business model in place. Your business model needs to give you the greatest opportunity for success, and for reaching your 40k goals.
Inside my 40k Club I recommend a very specific business model, which I know most female small business owners can manage, without overwhelm.
My 40k business model helps to create a solid foundation for a safe business that will last, and ensures you’re able to build a profitable business from that model.
It’s also a business model that does not have to rely heavily on social media – a good thing these days, where we’re seeing the decline of reach and engagement on many of our social accounts. 😬
So let’s look at the 40k Business model I recommend to you, and to the ladies in my 40k community. Here’s what you should have in place:
- A website or a marketplace platform
- At least one social media platform
- A mailing list
- A blog, a podcast or a youtube channel

Your ultimate goal with your business model is to make sure you have each of the above in place.
There are some very specific reasons I suggest you follow this business model, that I talk about in more detail in the bonus video you’ll find below.
Many online businesses skip one or more of these business model components, and the result is a business that has gaps, lacks safety, and has potential risks in terms of lack of visibility to make 40k goals a reality.
Can you see anything missing from your business model when you look at the image above? It would be a good step to take action to fill any missing gaps you have with that business model.
I share more deeply about my safe 40k business model inside my free 40k Club Facebook Group. You’re welcome to join all of the female small business owners in that group, who are busy working towards their 40k goals. Here’s the link to join:

2. Understanding Your Current Position
Once you have your 40k business model set up (1. above), the next step is to take a look at your current position regarding your revenue.
You need to understand what your level of revenue is, so that you can identify the gap between the revenue targets you’re currently hitting, and reaching 40k in revenue in your business.
When you know the gap between the revenue you earn now, and the 40k revenue goal you would like to achieve, it’s time to start thinking about how you make that happen.
Much of this will come down to your visibility, and your marketing strategies.
This is why it’s important to have a business model (1. above), that maximises your visibility in a way that will not overwhelm you or burn you out.
The business model I outline in 1. above, is the model I use. It’s also the model many of the ladies in my 40k community are now using, and seeing the benefits from.
Bonus Video – Let’s Dive Deeper Into Creating 40k Revenue Success From A 40k Business Model
3. The Products You Will Sell
Once you’ve created your 40k business model, and you’ve identified the gaps between your current revenue and your 40k revenue goal, we need to look at the products you’ll be selling that will help you hit that 40k revenue target.
This is where your value ladder comes in to play.
Here’s an example of that:
Let’s say that you’re selling a number of products, and on average each unit sells for ten dollars.
That means to reach your 40k revenue goal, you would need to sell 4000 of those units.
That’s certainly not impossible, but can be real hard work – especially if what you sell is shipped to the door products.
However. If you have a value ladder in place where you sell low, mid and high ticket items, you now have the opportunity to make quicker gains in reaching 40k in revenue, by taking your customers on a journey with you from low ticket, to mid ticket to high ticket.
This is what that may look like in reality:
You sell 1000 customers one $10 item (low ticket) = 10,000 dollars.
You then sell 400 of those customers one $50 item (mid ticket) = 20,000 dollars.
You then sell 100 of those 400 customers one $100 item (high ticket) = 10,000 dollars.
You have now hit your 40k revenue goal, and you’ve done that with just 1000 customers.
This may look like HUGE numbers of customers and sales if you’re a struggling small business owner, but these numbers are SMALL compared to the numbers your most successful competitors are hitting.
These numbers are also just an example, and not necessarily the right numbers for your business.
I go into more detail about the right numbers for your small business inside 40k Club.
The point is that having a value ladder in place, means that instead of you always having to chase down new customers, you can provide your current customers with the option to purchase more from you.
At least a percentage of your customers will be ready to do this (around 20% of them).
That means that if you don’t have an onwards journey to upsell your customers your mid and high ticket products, you’re leaving more easily earned revenue on the table.
Your company’s success will very much be dependent on your ability to sell.
Having a value ladder in place to help keep your customer base with you and buying from you, is going to help you achieve the sales that will lead to your 40k revenue goals.
If you don’t currently have a value ladder in place, now’s the time to consider changing that.
Having a great value ladder will help you get clarity about how much money you can make from each product in your value ladder, that will lead towards 40k revenue.
Make creating a value ladder a new goal to achieve, if you’ve not yet got this in place.

4. Your Marketing Strategy
When you know your business model (1. above), you have clarity about your current revenue position (2. above), and you’ve thought about a value ladder you can introduce to increase the revenue per customer you earn (3. above), it’s time to turn your attention to your marketing strategy.
There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that you’re going to have to take your marketing strategy to another next level, in order to achieve your 40k revenue goals.
It will be impossible to achieve 40k in revenue, with a 1k marketing mindset.
So we need to make sure you take action to address your marketing strategy, to make sure you’re able to reach monthly revenue goals, that lead to 40k or more in revenue over the course of the year.
Let’s take a look at how you do this.
Your primary goal is to get your products in front of the right people, in the right spaces, and with relevant information that connects intimately with them.
This might mean a significant shift in your marketing strategy, and how you’re showing up, in order to achieve this.
When you can serve the right information, in the right way, to the right audience, your conversion rates from audience to customer will increase.
Your 40k business model (1. above), creates the foundation of WHERE you’ll be visible.
You need to make sure you’re in the RIGHT spaces – and that those spaces are where your audience is.
If that means you have to move from Instagram to Tik Tok – so be it.
For sure, you should be using Pinterest, which I recommend as part of the 40k business model.
I can almost guarantee your audience will be on Pinterest.
Pinterest has an amazing track record for organic traffic, and it’s where most of the ladies in my 40k Club community are focusing their traffic generating efforts.
They’re seeing gains on Pinterest that they’re struggling to achieve on social media platforms.
I have a few blogs about Pinterest that may be of use to you:
How To Search For The Perfect Keywords On Pinterest
Pinterest should be one part of your marketing strategy to get your marketing content, products and services in front of an active audience, who are not only willing but are looking to buy from you.
As per your business mode (1. above), you should also be on at least one social media platform, and be delivering messages there that your audience connects with.
Your mailing list is also key to your marketing strategy, because you’re communicating with a warmer audience there, and they’re therefore more likely to be ready to make purchases from you.
The best ways to turn your audience into customers, is to deliver enormous value to them through the platforms where you’re visible.
This means developing an understanding of the wants, needs, pain points or your audience, and the solutions they are online searching for.
When you can learn about your audience in this way, and deliver through your marketing messages information that really connects with the wants, needs, pain points and solutions you audience is looking for, you’ll find that people are much more likely to jump on board and buy from you.
Too many times I see small business owners showing up and talking about their products in a way that simply does not connect, eg:
“This is my book, it is paperback, it talks about growing an online business, it is £9.99, and you can get it from x, y and z.”
There’s nothing in that message that connects directly with the audience, that will make them want to buy.
However, talking about that book in a way that connects with the audience will help with purchasing decisions, eg:
“I know you struggle daily in your small business. You’re short on sales. You want and need to make more revenue. You worry about the lack of results in your business, and you know you have a limited amount of time to turn this around, before you have to walk away from your business for good.
You’re showing up and doing your best, but you wish there was a really simple, clear roadmap you could follow, to transform your business from struggling to financial success.
I’m going to help you achieve this, step by step, in a clear, easy to follow manner that WILL ensure you’re able to achieve financial success in your business.
Everything you need is packed into this handy guide……”
Best practices when it comes to your marketing efforts, is to make sure you connect your products with the FEELINGS of your audience, before you talk about the FEATURES of your products.
When you do this, your customer base is much more likely to buy your products because of the way you have made a point of connection between their feelings and your products.
In addition, if your products then deliver in the way you say they will in your messaging, this in turn will lead to greater customer satisfaction, and the potential for your customers to purchase from you on repeat over a long time.
This will help you achieve your 40k revenue goals.
5. Recap
So let’s recap where we’ve got to.
The process to follow to create 40k Business Goals You Can Achieve is:
1. You create a solid foundation for your business, by having a great business model in place, to get you in front of as many people as possible, without you burning out.
2. You look at your current revenue position to identify the gap between the revenue you earn now, and achieving 40k revenue levels.
3. You identify the products you can sell that are low, mid and high ticket that are going to help you reach your 40k revenue goals.
4. You look at your marketing strategy, to figure out where you’ll show up and create messages for your audience, and use messages that connects sufficiently with their feelings, so that they feel it is a no-brainer but to buy products from you.
Once you have the above four steps in place, you’ve got a plan to reach your 40k revenue goals.
You have a business model that is not at risk of changing market conditions, that cause many small businesses to fail.
You will need resilience and persistence to keep pushing onwards in your business through the necessary time period that it will take to reach 40k in revenue.
This is not an overnight success magic bullet. I don’t and never will promise that, because it does not exist.
You’ll need to keep presenting your products to your audience with the strategy outlined above, and be prepared for any setbacks that are inevitable in building a business online.
The four key steps above will help you start to plan out your journey to 40k revenue success.
40k revenue is one of the more realistic goals you can achieve, and for many female small business owners it feels a whole lot more realistic than all of the noise about 5 and 6 figure business that we are saturated with online.
The bonus video above will help you get more clarity about achieving 40k in revenue in your small business, so be sure to go and watch that.
Your Journey To 40k Revenue and Other 40k Goals
If achieving consistent 40k revenue goals in your business would be life changing for you, and you’d love deeper support with this goal, I want to encourage you to come and join my private 40k Club Facebook group for female small business owners.
Inside you’ll find other ladies just like you, working towards all of their 40k goals with me by their side.
Here’s the link to join my growing 40k Club Community:

I’d love to hear what 40k in revenue would mean to you? Or what 40k goals you would love to achieve in your small business! Drop a comment. I’m here and listening.
Jenny 😊
More Useful Resources
How To Make Profit In Your Business As A Female Entrepreneur