How To Drive People To Your Mailing List From Social

I think there’s this sense out there in the online space, that it’s much easier to show up on your social media platforms and create content on those platforms to build a following, than it is to build and drive people to your mailing list.
And in a way, that’s true. For sure when I create and post social content, it takes much less time and effort, than it does sending a well crafted email to my list.
But even though my mailing list is a fraction of the size of my combined social media platform followers, I always manage to sell more to my list than I do through social media.
So the effort that I put in to not only driving traffic to my list, but then staying in contact with the people that are on my list has a lot of monetary value, that far exceeds the monetary value I get from posting social content (unless that content is in the form of paid for ads).
I see many female business owners run their entire businesses on social media. It’s such a shame, because learning to list build, and growing an email list, can be such an enormously beneficial thing to do for your business.
I think ladies get stuck with the whole area of mailing lists because they don’t know where or how to set a mailing list up (you can find a blog post about that here), or they don’t understand the purpose of a mailing list, and why it’s so beneficial for business (you can read more about that here). As a result they often stick to the one thing most of us these days know how to do, which is social media. There’s no doubt that social platforms are easier to take care of day by day.
Trouble is, on social, you’re sitting in an ocean of other businesses all competing for space and attention, your content is only being shown to a very small percentage of your followers, many of the people on social media are cold leads (not invested enough in you to want to buy), and social media comes with risk. The platforms are not safe for lots of reasons.
Setting up and building a mailing list takes time, effort, learning, consistency, strategy. But when you do it right, and you stay with it for the duration, you can hit gold in terms of increasing revenue to your business by selling to people on your list.
Before that happens though, you need to be able to drive people to your mailing list to have them in that place, so that you can forge deeper more meaningful relationships with them. And it’s not rocket science getting strategy like this set up and live.
Here are a few tips to help get you started with much better mailing list building than you may currently have.
Your priority goal on your social platforms should be to take your followers from there, and turn them into subscribers on your mailing list.
You’ll first of all need a mailing list in place to be able to do this. You can read this blog post where I share some good mailing list providers you can use and start with for free.
Once you have a mailing list set up, you’ll need some means of enticing people to join your list. This is normally a freebie of value, and can be in the form of any of the following:
- A discount voucher to be used against purchases of your products or services.
- A free downloadable pdf checklist/report/ebook (these can work really well – don’t make them too detail heavy, give great value in a short, easily readable format).
- A mini training that you deliver by email or video (again not too long, easily absorbable with some great value that will help your audience).
- A quiz, survey or assessment (you can set these up through platforms that offer this service, you can build it all out, and have a report people can download at the end of taking your quiz/survey/assessment – you can see how I have used this type of opt-in to drive people to my mailing list HERE.)
- A free discovery call with you that requires the person to join your list first.
- A live event online or offline where you deliver some value, and you have people sign up through an opt-in to your list to be able to attend that event.
There are so many ways you can entice people to join your list. Most important is to just choose one, get it built out, send it live, and then start promoting it continuously. This means:
- You should have a link to your opt-in in your bio on all of your social media platforms, on your podcast, on your YouTube channel, on your blog, your website, on any literature you send to your customers/clients via direct mail, and everywhere you show up online. Your opt-in needs to be visible.
- You should have strategy to show up in all of the places you’re visible, and continuously talk about and let people know about the freebie of value that they can get if they join your mailing list. Most business owners show up and talk about their opt-in once or twice, then it gets shelved, and nobody hears about it again. You have to keep telling people about your opt-in and encourage them to take that first leap of faith with you. This should be daily business strategy.
- You can get other people to promote your opt-in for you, through collaborations, or through articles you submit to media, through other businesses that are happy to promote your opt-in to their audience in return for you doing the same for theirs.
Like anything in business, it takes time and effort to build your mailing list – especially if you’re doing this without paid for ads on social media and in other online spaces.
If you’re not able to run paid ads to promote your opt-in to build your mailing list, it’s even more important that you have strategy to show up and talk about your freebie often, to help drive your followers from social media and other online spaces, to the relative safety of your list.
Once you’ve got anyone on your list, it’s then your responsibility to maintain contact with those people by sending regular emails to them. There’s simply no point building a list and then letting the people that are on your list sit there, never to hear from you. Doing this turns your subscribers from warmer leads (who are more likely to buy from you) back to cold leads (who won’t purchase a bean).
You must have contact with the people on your list to continue to maintain those relationships, to build deeper levels of know like and trust with you. That requires you to send regular emails out packed with story telling, with nuggets of value, and with call to actions that lead people to purchase your products and services.
I would finish by saying that if you are really invested in making your business one that is a revenue generating business for the long haul, if you have not yet done so. You need a mailing list. You need to drive people to that list from social. And you need to be invested in maintaining regular contact with the people on your list.
If you’re struggling to make progress in your business, and you question whether you’ll ever reach the pinnacle of success, you can take my “Will Your Business Be Successful” Quiz to find out your success-o-meter score, and to receive a detailed 33 page report that walks you through many tips to help improve your chances of reaching business success in the online space. Hit this link to take the success quiz now.