Why Your Pinterest Traffic Is Dropping And What You Can Do About This


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This blog post is for any female small business owners using pinterest for traffic generation.

Pinterest can be an amazing source of traffic – especially organic traffic.

But Pinterest content creators often start to worry when they see their traffic dropping.

Let’s take a look at the reasons behind traffic drops, and what you can do if it happens to you.

Seasonal Content

Pinterest has seasonal fluctuations throughout the year.

If you don’t have pins that match seasonal trends, you may well find that during those seasonal times your traffic may drop as many Pinterest users search for seasonal topics.

A great example of this is Christmas.

In the weeks and months leading up to the festive season, many more Pinterest users will have search intent around Christmas topics.

If you have pins that relate to seasonal topics, those pins are likely to perform better in the months leading up to those seasons, and this may increase traffic to your Pinterest account.

But if you don’t have seasonal content, you may see your traffic dropping during this period of time.

Poor Pinning Strategy

Pinterest, like many platforms, likes good strategy.

This means being in the platform consistently, pinning fresh pins, and introducing pins with new urls to the platform regularly.

Many pins on Pinterest lead to blog posts, and if yours do this, you need to be sure to pin regularly to those blogs (a fresh pin per blog post every 5-10 days). If your pins lead to other urls (such as a podcast episode or YouTube video), you should also pin fresh pins to those urls every 5-10 days.

You should be introducing new blog posts, new podcasts, new youtube videos that you can pin new pins to often.

If you have long gaps in your pinning strategy, or if you’re pinning the exact same pin over and over, this could impact the traffic you get on your Pinterest account.

Google Updates

Google updates can impact the traffic on your account, because Pinterest, like all other spaces online, relies on traffic from google.

With the helpful content update google made, Pinterest – like many other businesses, saw their traffic from google drop.

Whilst there’s not much you can do about this, because the impact is to Pinterest as a business, rather than you the end user, you can continue to make sure you write Pinterest friendly blog posts, podcasts or YouTube videos and pin for those pinterest-friendly topics.


Type Of Content

There are thousands and thousands of Pinterest friendly topics, but this does not mean any topic will win on Pinterest.

If the type of content you’re pinning about is not a good fit for Pinterest, this could impact your traffic.

For example there are likely to be many Pinterest users inside the platform searching for ‘crochet hats for women’, and zero people searching for ‘crochet shoes for frogs’.

If you’re creating content that does not align with the search intents of your target audience inside the platform, your traffic will be impacted.

It’s important to spend time inside Pinterest searching for topics you can create content around and pin about, so that you have valuable content that helps ensure you’re pinning for good Pinterest SEO.

Lack of Fresh Content

Pinterest favours fresh content on the platform, so the more fresh pins you can introduce the better.

If you fail to do this, and continue to pin the same pins over and over, this may well impact your traffic and success on the platform.

Ignoring your Pinterest Analytics

Your Pinterest analytics can provide you with a wealth of information about the health and status of your Pinterest account.

If you monitor your analytics to look at the type of pins that are performing best over time, and you create more content around those topics, you will help your Pinterest account and your Pinterest traffic.

Ignoring your best performing pins and pinning topics that may not be good for Pinterest can impact the traffic to your account.

Pinning to relevant boards

When you post any pins on Pinterest it’s important to make sure you’re pinning those pins to relevant boards.

Everything you do on Pinterest should be keyword optimised for Pinterest success, and this includes making sure all pins go on relevant Pinterest Boards.

Both your pins and boards should be keyword optmised for Pinterest success.

If you fail to connect pins to relevant boards you may see a drop in traffic.

Ignoring Good Pinterest SEO

Ignoring good Pinterest SEO is a common mistake that can lead to a drop in traffic.

Pinterest is a search engine that relies on relevant keywords to understand the content of your account.

It’s important to use the right keywords in your Pinterest bio, on your board titles, on any pin image, pin title, and pin description.

Pinterest will crawl the keywords on your account to understand what your content is about, to show that content to the right people inside Pinterest making searches.

If you fail to use good keywords across your account it is likely to impact the traffic you get.

Steps To Take When Your Pinterest Traffic Drops

  1. Dig into your Pinterest Analytics: Look at your Pinterest metrics to see which pins have brought the most traffic. Be sure to create more content around the same topics.

  2. Be Consistent: Make sure you have strategy to be pinning in the platform daily, so you are sending pins out on a regular basis. A minimum of 2 pins a day will help you grow your Pinterest impressions and other metrics over time.

  3. Introduce Fresh Pins: Keep creating more content (blog posts, podcasts, YouTube channel videos) to introduce new urls attached to fresh pins. This will also help boost your Pinterest impressions and other metrics.

  4. Make Sure You Create High Quality Pins: The pin image should be clear – and Pinterest will favor original pin images. Make sure you have good keywords on your pins, on each pin title and in each pin description. This will encourage more pin clicks, and ultimately more outbound clicks to your content.

  5. Give Your Pinterest Strategy Time: It takes time and consistency to see results on Pinterest. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate changes, keep working on your strategy, and give it time to work. Pinterest can drive massive traffic to your small business over time. Be prepared though for a traffic drop situation, because no matter how good your Pinterest strategy is, you will still see fluctuations in your traffic.

  6. Understand How Pinterest Works: Stay up to date with good Pinterest strategy. Research great keyword ideas that you can use for content strategies for your blog, podcast or YouTube videos. Think about different keyword friendly topics for content ideas you can create to reach a wider audience inside the platform.

By following these steps and staying proactive in monitoring and adjusting your Pinterest strategy, you can work towards increasing your Pinterest traffic, and maintaining a strong presence on the platform.

A drop in impressions is not the end of the world, but you do need to have good Pinterest marketing strategy to make your Pinterest account work over the longer haul, and to stop you seeing a massive decline in traffic off the back of poor Pinterest strategy.

Pinterest is one of the best traffic sources for your small business, it can bring thousands of views monthly to your blog, podcast, YouTube channel and wider small business.

As a platform you need to make sure you look at it as a keyword tool to get organic traffic to your business.

The more you create strategy and good pinning around your Pinterest marketing efforts, the greater the success you will see on the platform.

Just remember that from time to time your traffic will go down.

However, as long as you continue to use best best SEO practices on Pinterest, you will see your traffic grow substantially over the longer term.

In my experience as a Pinterest strategist, I can say that the platform is one of the best spaces business owners can use to get amazing traffic that’s organic traffic.

When you see your Pinterest traffic dropping, take a deep breath, double down on your Pinterest seo efforts using the right keywords across your account, make sure you’re pinning regularly, and stay on your Pinterest strategy for the longer haul – you will see your metrics rise once more.

Bonus Material

Get 50 Of The Best Pinterest Tips For Your Small Business (free guide).

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