How I Simplified The Podcast, Blog & You Tube Content Creation For My Small Business

How I Simplified Blog, Podcast, You Tube Creation For My Small Business - text on white background with image of hands on a laptop to the right hand side.

Let’s face it, as solopreneurs with small businesses, with have to juggle a lot. And part of our daily life is the requirement to be visible wherever we can in the online space, in order to get eyes on us and to grow our audiences.

It’s not always easy to be everywhere as a small business owner. You can quickly become overwhelmed with the volume of work needed to show up on social media, in blogs, podcasts and on you tube channels.

I wanted to be able to produce content for my blog, my podcast and my you tube channel, without it taking over my life. And to begin, the system I had wasn’t working well at all.

So I went back to that system and I simplified it. I do this with my entire business. I’m always looking for ways to simplify what I have to do, to make it as easy as possible on me, and to make any end results easy for my audience.

Simplifying the content creation for my blog, podcast and you tube channel means I can now get more content out to you, in less time. That’s good for me. And (hopefully!), it’s good for you. 

In this episode I share how I’ve simplified creating content for my blog, podcast and you tube channel, and I hope it gives you a flavour of how you can be in all three of these places with your content too, without it becoming so overwhelming you manage all three places badly, or worse, walk away from them because it’s just too much.

How I simplified content creation for the blog, podcast and you tube channel in my small business - text on cream background with image of computer on desk behind

You can tune in to this full episode by listening to the podcast episode or watching the you tube episode through the buttons below. 

I hope you find it useful! Drop a comment and let me know your thoughts on this sytem.

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