The Best Blog Posts To Write For Organic Traffic

Blog header: graphic of woman with long dark hair sat behind a computer, vase of flowers with sunflowers to the left, notebooks and pens to the side.

Bonus Material: How To Use Pinterest To Drive Traffic To Your Blog (50 Best Pinterest Tips).

This blog post is for any female small business owner looking to get organic traffic to her blog posts.


Blogs are still big business! Both myself and many ladies in my community are using blogs for organic traffic, leads and sales. We hear noise online that blogs are dead, and that is far from the truth!

Having a blog can increase the success of your business.

One of the things I love about blogging, is the ability to be able to sit and write behind the scenes. No having to show up on video, no having to squash content into a 90 second reel for social, no having to using trending audio. Just writing about the topics your audience wants information about.

And therein lies the clue to your blogging success – knowing the best articles to write for the people you serve so that you get large scale organic traffic to your blog.

Let’s look at the best way to do that.


Know Your Target Audience

In order to achieve great organic traffic to your blog, you first have to understand the audience you’re writing for, and deliver content in your blog posts that’s of enough importance to your audience, that they want to come and read the blog articles you post.

This means taking time to understand the pains and challenges your audience faces, and the solutions they’re looking for.

For example, if you have a blog that is all about crochet for beginners, but what you’re creating in your blog posts is information more relevant to advanced crochet levels, you have a disconnect.

Even if your own crochet skill level is advanced, and you find beginner crochet boring and uninspiring, you still have to deliver beginner level blogs to your audience if that is the niche you want to serve, or change the audience to suit the level you’re at.

So think about what it is your audience struggles with the most, and the solutions that would be of value to them, and deliver to those things in your blog articles.

How To Find The Best Blog Articles When You Know Your Audience

Once you understand your audience, the struggles and challenges they have, and the solutions they’re looking for, you cannot throw any old blog post out, sit back and wait for traffic. It doesn’t work that way.

You still have to understand the best type of blog posts to write that align with your audience, and that will bring organic traffic from the online space.

You have options here. There are bloggers who rely on pulling organic traffic from Google, and others who rely on pulling organic traffic from Pinterest. Some bloggers do both.

But in order to pull traffic from either of these spaces, you have to understand the best performing topics in those spaces.

Choose How You’ll Get Organic Traffic

So you now know that the best traffic options for your blog are Pinterest, and Google.

Your social spaces and your mailing list are two other ways to drive traffic to your blog posts.

Right now, following recent Google updates, it has become harder for many bloggers to get organic traffic from Google.

Pinterest is without doubt the best other option right now, followed by the social spaces you’re visible in, and your mailing list.

Ladies in my community are using Pinterest as the biggest driver of organic traffic to their blogs, and some of those ladies are achieving anywhere from 100s of monthly organic outbound clicks from Pinterest (for those ladies with younger Pinterest accounts), to 30,000+ monthly organic outbound clicks to their blogs from Pinterest (for ladies with more established Pinterest accounts).

These ladies follow my Pinterest strategy to achieve these results. You can find out more about that strategy here.

Identify keywords For Good Blog Topics

Whether you’re going to use Pinterest or Google, or any other space to drive traffic to your blog, you need to understand the value of keywords for good topics for your blogging niche.

Let me give you some examples, starting by looking at Pinterest.

Using Pinterest For The Best Blog Topics

You need to undertake keyword research inside Pinterest to find the kind of topics people are searching for in that platform, so that you can then write blogs about those topics.

Let’s go to the crochet niche, and a business owner who wants to teach beginner level crochet through her blog.

If I go to Pinterest and start searching for topics related to beginner level crochet, by typing that term into Pinterest’s search bar, here are the results that Pinterest populates from that search:

Image showing search results for the term "beginner crochet" from a Pinterest search.

Now that crochet business owner can start writing blog posts around those focus keywords, and then use Pinterest as a driver of traffic to the blog posts, knowing that people are in Pinterest searching for those topics.

Doing this will increase the chances of more outbound organic traffic from Pinterest to her blog posts.

That business owner can go even deeper, and search for long-tail keywords that may have more success for her.

So if she goes back to Pinterest to search for more focus keywords, for example “beginner crochet fruit”, there are two longer-tail keywords that pop up:

“beginner crochet fruit” and

“beginner crochet fruit baskets.

These long-tail keywords will be more niche, and have less competition, so they may be easier to rank for. They may be too niche – only testing will tell.

But if the crochet business owner uses more common beginner crochet target keywords in her search inside Pinterest, for example “beginner crochet hats”, there are more longer-tail keywords that show up:

Search term used in a Pinterest search "beginner crochet hats" and the results that pinterest populated.

These relevant topics for that business owner’s niche may work better for her blog content creation, than the higher more competitive level keywords mentioned above.

These longer-tail keywords are likely to still have relatively high competition, but the crochet business owner will still be able to get organic traffic from Pinterest to the blogs she writes about using these keywords.

I see ladies in my community getting great organic traffic to blogs they write, using keywords they have researched inside Pinterest.

The point is to find a range of keywords from Pinterest that you can write blog posts about, that your audience is inside Pinterest searching for.

Any search term you pop in to Pinterest that shows you keywords, will show you that people are searching for that term.

Your goal is to go to Pinterest, and do some searches for blog post ideas related to your niche.

Make a note of the topics that Pinterest populates in search, and then keep digging deeper.

The more you do this, the greater the volume of topics you’ll find from Pinterest search, that you can blog about, that are Pinterest friendly topics.

Using Google For The Best Blog Topics

Even though these days it’s harder to rank a blog on Google, traffic from that space works in a similar way.

You can use keyword tools like to find relevant keywords (topics), you can blog about, to give you chance of ranking on and getting traffic to your blog from Google.

In this instance, you’re trying to find keyword topics that have ranked on page 1 of Google, that have been written by businesses with a similar or lower DA (domain authority) than yours.

What Is Domain Authority (DA)

Domain Authority is a ranking given to a blog/website/channel. That ranking can range from 1-100. The higher the score, the greater the ranking of that blog. When a blog has a higher DA score, it has a much greater chance of ranking on page one of Google.

With this in mind, if you have a blog with a DA of 3, and the topics you are writing blogs about are also being blogged about by other bloggers with much higher DA scores than yours, your chances of ranking on page one of Google are slim.

Google will rank the higher DA blogs first. This is why it’s difficult to get organic traffic from Google. You may well be competing with bloggers that have much greater DA scores than you, and until your own DA increases, you may find it difficult to rank on page one of Google.

It’s not impossible. You have to find the right blog topics that are ranking on page one from bloggers with lower DAs. I’ll share more about that shortly.

How You Find Your DA

To find a blog’s DA (Domain Authority) score, you can use an SEO tool like Moz, Ahrefs, or Semrush. You will have to sign up for an account, but doing so will allow you to check the DA score of your blog, and you should be able to do this for free with one of the trials these platforms offer.

A higher score indicates a stronger online presence, and potential for higher search engine rankings on Google.

When you know your DA score, your goal is to find blog topics ranking on page one of Google that are from bloggers with the same or a lower DA score than yours.

If you can find and write about those topics, you may have a chance of reaching page one on Google, and that will bring organic traffic to your blog.

Finding Suitable DA Topics From Google

You can use a platform like to find the DA score for blog topics for your niche.

I use and find it really useful. There are other platforms like moz, ahrefs and semrush that you can use too.

The following image shows keywords for google suggest for the search term ‘crochet vegetables for beginners’.

The competition for this keyword is 35 (moderate to easy).

If you look at the DA column in the image, you’ll see different sites listed on the table (YouTube content, some blogs, some Reddit, some Amazon), and you can see the highest DA on that table is 100 and the lowest DA is 22.

Image showing the search results from key for the term "crochet vegetables for beginners" with an easy-moderate score and DAs of 22-100 shown in the results.

If you were to write a blog post for the topic ‘crochet vegetables for beginners’, and your DA is 6, it would be hard to rank on page one of Google for that search, given that the lowest DA ranking is 22.

However, if you have a DA score of 22 or higher, you have more chance of ranking on the first page of Google for this blog topic, assuming your blog post is written for good Google content, and in some way is better than the lower ranking content for that search (for example you provide more tips, greater detail, make it better aligned to the niche etc..).

When it comes to ranking on Google, your goal is to search for and find topics where the content authors listed on the first page have a lower DA than your own.

It’s ok if there are also DAs that are higher, as long as one or two or more of the DAs for that search term are lower than your own.

If you have a blog with a fairly low DA (10 or below for sure), you may find it hard to identify suitable blog topics that are great for Google (unless you are in a highly defined niche with little competition).

This is why writing blog posts for organic traffic from Pinterest is so much easier. You can compete with more successful content on the platform, and still get organic traffic to your blog.

Making Your Blog Content Work

When it comes to Google, all of the updates have lent themselves to Google now preferring blog posts that are written for the people, rather than blog posts that are largely written around keywords.

You can still use keywords, but you should not be keyword dumping. Clean, simple, easy to read and navigate blog posts will work better for Google right now.

Blog posts written for Pinterest can have more creative freedom, but you should still have your reader in mind with any blog post you write, because you want them to stay and absorb the content of your blog, not immediately bounce away because you’ve made your post a poor experience.

Other Tips Tor Your Blog Content:

  • Make use of Header 1, Header 2, Header 3 for titles, sub titles, and sub-sub titles.
  • Have good quality images in the blog if needed.
  • Make use of lists and bullet points.
  • Create white space to make your blog easier to read.
  • Have pinable images on your blog (on a WordPress blog). I use the jQuery plugin for this. It allows people to pin an image from your blog to their Pinterest account, potentially helping with the flow of organic traffic from Pinterest to your blog.
  • Have a CTA in each blog post that is relevant to the post. For example, when I write about Pinterest (as I have done in this post), I will reference my free Pinterest guide, and use that as a means to build my list from my blog.
  • Keep your writing style simple and easy to read.
  • Don’t add fluff for the sake of adding fluff. People will bounce away.
  • Build your blog on if you want to monetise it with ad revenue at some point.
  • Be sure to have a featured image for each of your blog posts.
  • Have a content plan for your blog. Know how many new posts you can send live in any period, and stick to that schedule.
  • Create high-quality content for your target audience. You cannot chuck any blog content out and hope it will perform. It won’t.
  • Pinterest and Google like fresh content, so it’s important to keep introducing new blog posts that are Pinterest/Google friendly over the longer term.
Pin image for Pinterest with the text "The best blog posts to write for organic traffic" on it.

Different Types Of Content

A quick round up of some of the different types of content that can work for your blog posts:

  • Listicles – easy and quick to read and absorb.
  • How To Guides – for deeper content and to showcase your credibility and expertise.
  • Case Studies – again to lift your credibility.
  • FAQs – always good to connect with the thoughts and questions your audience has.
  • Roundups – these can be a post full of one type of topic from your own blogs, listing each of the blogs you have written for that topic in the post, or it can be a roundup of both yours and other people’s posts under a certain topic (always ask permission of the blog post author before referencing their blog posts in you own).
  • Seasonal content – these can work well for Pinterest traffic when you pin for seasonal content to seasonal blog posts.
  • Even though you’re using research to find relevant keywords to create blog topics from, you should still try to incorporate an eye catching blog post title that incorporates the keyword but stands out. “Crochet Hat For Beginners” would not be as eye catching as “The Best Winter Crochet Hat For Beginners”. The second blog title still has the keywords in it, but has been jazzed up a little to make it more eye catching.
  • Be sure to add image alt text to each of your images. This can help those with visual impairment, and can help with Google indexing.

Your prime goal is to create content that gives a great user experience, to encourage your readers to return to read more of your blogs over time.

Getting Stuck

If you find a range of blog topics that could perform well based on your Pinterest and/or Google research, but you’re stuck with your blog post writing, here are some tips:-

  • You can drop your blog topic in to ChatGPT and ask it to give you a blog post outline to help get you started.
  • You can use a platform like RankIQ or These platforms have been built to help you find good blog topics, and help with your blog post writing for Google. I have used both. I currently use to look for blog topics, analyse competitor content for those topics, and provide suitable keywords to use in the blog post, that may help it rank on Google.

Blog SEO

In addition to making your posts Pinterest or Google friendly using relevant keywords for topics and in your post content, you also need to have an understanding of Blog SEO.

This means having custom meta descriptions for your posts, as well as creating SEO friendly content.

I will cover this in more detail in another post, but be sure to look at your blog host where you’re likely to find information about the SEO optimisation you need to undertake for each of your posts.

Promote Your Posts

Every blog post you send live should be promoted. You can do this consistently in Pinterest, and capture organic traffic to that blog over a long duration from that space.

You can find more information about using Pinterest to drive traffic to your blog through the related articles at the end of this blog post. You can also grab my free Pinterest guide referenced at the beginning and end of this post.

Every blog post you send live you should promote to your list, and through your social channels. This is especially important if you want or have ad revenue on your blog, because more traffic = more ad revenue for you.

You can promote your blogs anywhere you choose. On your website, in your Etsy store ‘about’ section, inside any digital assets you sell, or have as lead magnets.

Your primary goal is to get as much traffic to your posts as possible, so that your blog becomes a successful blog online.


Building a successful blog takes time. There’s no magic bullet to quick success. But consistency, and creating posts for organic traffic, and content in those posts your target audience values and needs, will help you create a blog that can bring you sustained traffic, leads and sales for years to come.

If you have any questions about blogging, drop them in comments. I’m happy to help!

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Bonus Material

50 of the best Pinterest tips to help you leverage Pinterest for organic blog traffic! Click here for your free guide.

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