blog header image - ten creative ways to use canva to make money, with graphic of woman sat at desk, dog on floor to one side, 3 plants on the floor to the other side


This Post Is For Female Small Business Owners Looking To Make More Revenue Using The Power Of Canva.


What would it mean to you to make loads more money in your small business? And to be able to do so without burning the midnight oil every day?

How above 40k in revenue? Would that be life changing for you?

I help ladies inside my 40k Club membership reach all sorts of 40k goals, including revenue and sales goals.

One of the ways I encourage ladies to increase the revenue to their businesses, is by introducing digital assets they can sell as passive income streams.

Nothing beats waking up in the morning, and seeing that your bank balance has increased whilst you’ve been asleep.

Or knowing that you can create passive income once, and then sell on repeat any time you want.

One the easiest ways to start to sell digital assets in your small business is with Canva. 

In fact, not only can you create digital assets in Canva that you can sell to make money, there are other ways to make money with Canva that I’ll cover in this blog post.

As small business owners it’s essential that we’re able to make enough revenue in our businesses, to make our business worthwhile, and to keep our businesses alive and well for the longer term.

Many of the female small business owners I work with are always looking for ways to increase revenue to their businesses by selling different products their customers want and need.

One of the ways to do this is to make money using Canva, and this can be a great way to get extra money to your business.

There are lots of ways to make money using Canva, and I’ve outlined some of the best ways below.

1. Create and Sell Printables

It’s pretty well known that Canva is a great piece of software, giving you the opportunity to create your own beautiful designs for high demand products you can sell.

Printables are always an easy way to start to increase your product range, and they are ever more popular with millions of people purchasing printables in the online space.

If you know the audience you’re showing up to serve in your online business, there will be printables you can create for them.

The great thing about printables is that you can create them once and sell on repeat.

This is a much easier way to sell products, than to have physical products that you have to ship to the door. You can get started with digital printables with almost zero money down.

If you do some market research to find out what sort of solutions your potential customers are looking for, and you create printables that provide the solutions your audience needs, you have opportunity to make money from those printables.

Canva is a great design portal to do this. There are many different types of printables you can create and sell in your online store.

From digital guides to planners, checklists, to-do lists, ebooks, schedules, printables for getting organised, workbooks and more, there will be a printable you can create for your customers.

These items are always in demand, and you can sell them on different platforms like Etsy or Shopify, or through your own standalone website.

If you struggle to find ideas for printables for your business, head over to chatgpt or any other AI platform, and ask for inspiration.

2. Offer Customer Design Services

If you’ve become skilled at using Canva, you can offer custom graphic design services for other small business owners. 

At the time of writing this post Canva has just had a complete overhaul.

That means there will be plenty of people trying to navigate their way through the new tools and the new ways that Canva works.

There will ALWAYS be people who feel tech challenged, and lack the ability to figure out all of the great ways to use Canva for themselves.

It may be that they simply don’t have the time to invest in creating Canva designs themselves, and would benefit from a service that did this for them.

You can save other business owners a lot of time if you’re able to offer custom design services in Canva.

If your Canva design services are top notch, you can offer all sorts of design skills including creating social media graphics, logos, business cards, flyers, pdfs, brochures, business cards, guide, stationery and more.

I’ve done this for clients in the past, and it was a great way to earn some money for my business back then.

You can market your Canva design services on social media, through your website, on freelancing sites like Fiverr or Upwork, or inside relevant groups you find on Facebook.

You can also advertise in your local area through trade magazines, community magazines, or through local groups in your area.

3. Design and Sell Templates

Templates are a time-saver for many people, and have become ever more popular as digital assets small business owners can sell.

I have a range of Canva templates for Pinterest pins that I sell, and they are always popular.

People want to save time, they want to be more productive, they don’t want the hassle of having to create all of their content themselves.

Creating templates you can sell that people can use, can be a really effective way to make money from Canva.

You can create and sell templates for social media posts, for Pinterest, for presentations, resumes, invitations, business plans, ebooks, planners and more. 

Canva allows you to create all sorts of templates that you can sell to suit your audience, that can be easily customized by your clients.


4. Create an Online Canva Course

Rather than creating digital products inside Canva, or offering your services as a Canva creator, if you’re proficient in using Canva, you could consider creating a Canva course to teach others how to use the platform effectively.

This could include Canva tutorials your target audience can pay for to access, to help them master the art of creating eye-catching graphics for their small businesses inside Canva.

Your skill and training courses you can offer with the software, could be the thing that helps your audience move from frustrated to uber-productive inside Canva.

You could offer a wide range of courses for Canva, including a walk around the design area, how to use Canva’s template library, how to create content marketing visuals using Canva, designing social media graphics, creating marketing materials, making instagram reels, creating products using Canva, or you could even provide a comprehensive Canva mastery course.

Platforms like Teachable or Udemy are great for hosting your course, but you can just as easily create your course as private videos on Youtube, that people have access to once they have purchased from you.

5. Write a Canva eBook

You cold write and design an eBook on Canva tips and tricks, and sell it on your website or through platforms like Etsy or Amazon Kindle.

There are many people who prefer hard copy, written tutorials, rather than video based ones.

An ebook sharing your best Canva tips could be a great way to earn money from your Canva expertise.

6. Canva Affiliate Marketing

You could join Canva’s affiliate program and earn a commission for every person who signs up for Canva Pro through your referral link.

You can promote Canva Pro through your blog posts, podcasts, Youtube channel, through social media, on your website and in your email marketing campaigns.


7. Sell Customized Merchandise

Canva can be used to design merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, phone cases, and more.

You can then sell these designs through print-on-demand services like Printful or Redbubble.

Canva’s mockup tools make it really easy to visualize your designs on various products, and there are many mock ups available inside Canva, to help you create a wide range of customised merchandise for your brand that you can then sell. 

8. Create Content for Social Media Influencers

Many influencers need help with their branding and content creation.

Offer your services to design their Instagram posts, Pinterest pins, YouTube thumbnails, and other graphics.

This can be a retainer-based service, where you provide a set number of graphics each month.

9. Design Digital and Physical Products

Expand beyond printables and templates by designing digital products such as digital planners, e-cards, and digital art.

These products can be sold on your website, through Etsy, or through other marketplaces.

I have a number of physcial products that I’ve created inside Canva, including a business planner, a launch workbook and a content prompts book.

I created all the designs for those products inside Canva, and then sent them to a print company who created the end products for me.

Those products have sold really well.

pinnable image - Ten creative ways to use canva to make money.

10: Start a Canva Membership Site

You could create a membership site where you offer exclusive Canva templates, tutorials, and design resources.

Charge a monthly or yearly fee for access.

This provides a steady income stream for your business, and builds a community around your brand.

If you can build community around your Canva knowledge and expertise, you start to bring regular revenue to your business, that can have a stabilising effect.

It also helps uplevel your credibility as a Canva expert, and creates a fun and exciting community – a place for people to share their Canva creations and learn how to become Canva masters themselves, with your help.

Bonus Tip 1: Start a Canva Blog

Like this blog post, you could start a blog that focuses on great Canva tips and tricks.

You can then drive traffic to that blog through spaces like Pinterest (a great platform to get organic blog traffic), and social media platforms too.

As you build the level of traffic to your blog, you can get to a place where you can monetize that blog with ad revenue (some of the ladies in my community are already doing this and are making five figure sums from blog ad revenue alone).

You can then also use your blog to promote your own paid for Canva products and services.


There are many ways to use Canva to make more revenue in your small business.

The most important step is to start.

Make a list of all the ways you can use Canva to sell.

Start to leverage your Canva skills. Learn as much as you can about the platform, and use your expertise to help others, making money for your business as you do.

I’ll finish on this note.

I create a wide variety of blog posts for my business. I pin to those blog posts from Pinterest. When I look at my Pinterest metrics, the pins that always sit in the top ten for organic traffic, are the pins that lead to blogs about Canva.

That tells you that people want to learn how Canva works, and how they can use it for their businesses.

This means Canva has enormous opportunity for you in your business to make money from Canva as a platform.

If you have any any questions or comments, drop them below!

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