This blog is for any female small business owner who wants to use blogging as a means to grow their audience, earn revenue, and add people to their mailing list.
I’ve been reading a lot of blogs about how to use Pinterest as part of your blogging strategy, including blogs about how to increase traffic to your blog using Pinterest.
And for sure Pinterest is a really great platform to drive traffic to your blog.
But one key factor that was missing from most of the blogs I’ve read about Pinterest, is the core of what I will cover in this post.
It’s a vitally important factor that you need to take into account, if you want to drive organic traffic to your blog posts from Pinterest.
Let’s dive in.

The Decimation Of Blogs By Google
If you have a blog, you’ll likely have heard about and possibly have even experienced the decimation of blog traffic from Google, following it’s recent healthy content updates.
Many bloggers who relied heavily on organic traffic from Google have seen their traffic drop off the edge of a cliff.
(note: as of August 2024, Google is rolling out another update, which we hope will repair some of the damage they made during their 2023 updates – we keep fingers crossed, but some bloggers are already seeing improvements in their Google traffic once more).
When the Google HCU hit bloggers, many turned to the power of Pinterest to recoup their blog traffic.
That’s a good move, because being present on Pinterest is a great strategy for all bloggers.
When using Pinterest as means to get organic traffic to your blog, there’s a lot of Pinterest strategy you need to implement, including using relevant keywords on your pin boards, in your board descriptions on your pin titles, and in your pin descriptions.
These are all key marketing strategies for good Pinterest SEO.
The Missing Link In Your Pinterest Strategy
In addition to the basic Pinterest SEO strategies mentioned above, there is one other key component that you need to incorporate into your overall blogging strategy, to maximize your success on Pinterest.
This is the one component that many bloggers miss, and blog posts about using Pinterest for blogging often don’t mention.
Here it is:
If you’re going to use Pinterest as the key platform to drive organic traffic to your blog, your blogging strategy and the blog posts you write should always begin by finding fresh content you can write blogs about, that are Pinterest friendly blog content.
This means that when you’re writing any blog post, rather than writing about topics you think your wider audience would like to read about, you should instead look to find Pinterest-friendly topics your audience is already inside Pinterest actively searching for.
Why You Need To Find Pinterest Friendly Topics To Blog About
Finding topics you can blog about that are pinterest friendly topics is not hard. It simply requires you to spend some time inside Pinterest looking for topics your target audience is searching for, and to understand that people use Pinterest like a search engine, where they use keywords to identify Pinterest friendly content that meets their needs.
When you can find and blog about topics related to your niche that are matched to searches people are typing into the search bar on Pinterest, your pins on Pinterest have a much greater chance of being found in the home feed on Pinterest.
Pinterest like many search engines, relies heavily on keywords to index content.
So the more blog posts you write around Pinterest friendly topics that you’ve found are popular in Pinterest, and the more you use associated keywords on your pins, pin titles, and pin descriptions, the more likely you’re going to see your Pinterest analytics rise, as more users in Pinterest find and engage with your pins.
Even better – if the pins you create lead to blogs that have been written with Pinterest friendly topics in mind – you will over time, find that you’ll get more organic outbound clicks from Pinterest – and that means greater volumes of traffic to your blog.
How To Find Pinterest Friendly Topics To Blog About
Pinterest is a powerful tool when it comes to SEO.
All of the pins you see on Pinterest have been indexed to show up in Pinterest’s home feed, based on keywords people are typing into Pinterest’s search bar.
Your goal is to find the keywords that relate to your blog niche, that your audience is in Pinterest searching for, and then write blog posts around those keywords.
Let’s look at an example of this.
Let’s say that my blog posts are predominantly based around Pinterest tips and Pinterest strategy.
I want to find all of the keywords people are using inside Pinterest, that relate to using Pinterest, that may give me great blog topics to write about.
So if I go to the search bar in Pinterest and I type in the word “Pinterest” – these are the search results that Pinterest shows me:

Looking at that list, there are not many keywords there that are relevant to the blog posts I write. ‘pinterest keywords’ is the only phrase that I could use.
Even so, I could use this phrase and I could write a blog called “How To Find The Best Pinterest Keywords For Your Niche” or “How To Find The Best Pinterest Keywords For Your Blog Posts”.
I now have two blog post topics to write about, and each uses a very specific keyword phrase that people are searching for inside Pinterest.
I would want to go deeper than this with my research, to find some longer tail keywords I can create blog posts around.
So this time in Pinterest’s search bar I can type ‘How to on Pinterest’. Here are the results I got:

There are a few keyword topics in those search results that I could write blog posts about – “how to use Pinterest“, and “how to post on pinterest“, and “how to make a pinterest board“.
Remember these are all search terms people are inside the platform looking for.
I still want to dive deeper to find some better topics to blog about.
So I’m going to keep using different search terms in Pinterest’s search bar, to keep looking for more pinterest friendly topics for my blog posts.
Here’s my research:
Search term: How To Use Pinterest:

Topics I can blog about:
– how to use pinterest for business
– how to use pinterest for beginners
– how to use pinterest for blogging
– how to use pinterest for etsy
– how to use pinterest to make money
– how to use pinterest to grow your blog
– how to use pinterest to sell on etsy
Search Term: How To Get Pinterest:

Topics I can blog about:
– how to get pinterest followers
– how to get pinterest banner
– how to get pinterest views
Search Term: Pinterest Tips For

Topics I can blog about:
– pinterest tips for business
– pinterest tips for beginners
– pinterest tips for bloggers
– pinterest marketing tips for bloggers
– how to use pinterest for business tips
All in all, from those quick searches, I now have more than 15 different blog posts I could write – all Pinterest-friendly blog posts, that are more likely to rank as pins on Pinterest.
My goal is always to find as many Pinterest friendly topics to create blog posts around, so that I can create pins and blogs for Pinterest, that I know my target audience is inside Pinterest searching for.
This gives me a much greater chance of better search engine optimization of my pins, giving those pins a hugely improved chance of being found, and Pinterest users clicking from those pins to my blog.
The evidence speaks for itself. Since using this strategy for all of my blog posts – the traffic to my blogs have increased ten fold.
This is the core strategy I recommend you use, if you want really great organic traffic from Pinterest to your blogs.
Mistakes People Make On Pinterest
You can have all the great pinterest strategy in the world, but if you’re creating pins to blog posts that active users in pinterest ARE NOT searching for – the chances of your pins being found reduces.
And with all the Pinterest and blogging tips I see online, one of the key tips I see missing, is to start your blog strategy by researching great and popular topics on Pinterest.
So whilst it’s important to use great pinterest strategy for your content on Pinterest, you need to start by finding the topics your follower base is inside Pinterest searching for, and make your Pinterest pins and blogs about those keyword topics.
Only once you have created Pinterest friendly blog posts, can you then start to pin to those posts using great Pinterest strategy.

Key Tips For Your Pinterest Friendly Blogs (And Some Blogging Tips)
- Make your blog titles contain the keyword(s) you’ve found on Pinterest – but you can also add other words to make it a more catchy title.
- Make the blog post slug the keyword.
- Have one or two good pinnable images inside your blog post, and make sure you have a pin it button on those images, so people can save to their Pinterest accounts.
- Have social sharing buttons on your blogs, so that people can share your best blogs to their social platforms.
- Pin at least two pins per day to your blog posts, making sure you leave space between pins to the same url, so that you’re driving traffic to your blogs from Pinterest.
- Make your pinnable images using the best aspect ratios – I use pins that are 1000 x 1920 pixels for best results.
- Make sure your Pinterest boards are keyword optimized for the blogs that go on them, using the right board titles for your boards. Those board titles should be keywords you find in Pinterest. I have a blog post about this that you can read here.
- Spend time searching Pinterest for great keywords you can create more blog posts about.
- It’s important not to start keyword stuffing your pin descriptions – this can be seen as spammy by Pinterest and may impact your success.
- You have access to analytics in Pinterest that can help you assess which pins are your best performing pins, so that you can write more blog content around those topics to increase your engagement rate on the platform.
The more you research great Pinterest topics to write your blog posts about, the more it will improve the success of organic traffic from Pinterest to your blogs.
Over time, using this strategy you’ll see more engagement on your pins, increased monthly users, and you’ll see how incredible Pinterest can be as an organic traffic source to get people over to your blog.
Bonus Material: Grab Your 50 Best Pinterest Tips Free Guide Here
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