Three Start-Up Tips To Build A Successful Small Business


Bonus Material: Free Video – Creating A Great Business Model To Achieve Any 40k Goals

This blog is for any female small business owner early on in her business journey.

If you are new to the world of online business, it can be useful to know how to set your business up in a way that will give you the best chance of early success. 

Many small business owners can get months or years down the line and be overwhelmed and stressed at the lack of results they achieve.

It is really easy to start a business with a very scattered approach, and this is not unusual if you are new to the world of business.

But that scattered approach can create years of trying and failing to get to success.

There is a great way to set up your business that is easy to manage once you know how, and is a business that will bring results your way more quickly.

This is the 40k Business Model. It is a business model I follow myself, and it is a model that many of the ladies in my membership (40k Club), are now using to achieve quicker successes themselves.

The 40k Business Model has been tested by myself for many years. It works. And I encourage you to take a look at this business model, and make efforts to replicate this model in your own business.

Let’s take a look at three start-up tips based around the 40k Business Model, and how this business model can help you achieve quicker success.


Pinnable image that says Three start up tips to build a successful small business, with a graphic of a sign with an arrow with the word success on it.

1. What Is The 40k Business Model?

This business model is made up of five key components, each designed to complement each other to give you the best chance of achieving three core goals in your business:

  • traffic
  • leads
  • sales

If you are not consistently achieving these three core goals in your business, you are going to struggle.

So the 40k business model is designed to give you the best chance of achieving these three goals, quickly and consistently.

This is what the 40k Business Model looks like:

  1. Website or Marketplace Platform
    Having one of these spaces provides you with a space from which to sell your products or services. It really doesn’t matter which you choose – as long as you are aware of the financial obligations of either, and they give you scope to sell the products and services you want.

    However. One shortfall of Marketplace platforms like Etsy, is they do not give you the ability to build your mailing list – and having and building a list is key to your business model and to you achieve more success and sales through your list.

    If you use a Marketplace platform, you will have to double down on strategy to build your list. I have a blog post about doing that, which you might find useful. You can read it here.
  2. One or Two Social Spaces
    You do not need to be on all the social channels. It can be completely overwhelming to do so. As part of the 40k Business Model I recommend you choose one or two social platforms – making those platforms the places you know your audience is most active.

    You should not be choosing social platforms based on where you want to be, but making the right choice based on where your largest audience hangs out.
  3. Mailing List
    It is essential you have a mailing list as part of your business model.

    There are many reasons for this, not least of all because over time, if you grow your list the right way, you will be able to sell more to your list, to bring more revenue to your business.

    Mailing lists can covert 5 times more effectively than your best sales pages, and a mailing list can help safeguard your business should anything happen to your Marketplace platform, website, or social channels.

    Choose a mailing list provider that sits well with your website. If you have a Marketplace platform it hardly matters which mailing list provider you choose as you cannot integrate the two – so choose a good platform like Convertkit or Mailerlite. These are two mailing lists providers ladies in my 40k Club membership use – and they speak highly of each.
  4. Pinterest
    Pinterest is one of the best platforms to drive organic traffic to your business. It will outperform your social channels by far.

    You will need to have a Pinterest business account, and have good Pinterest strategy to start using Pinterest as a way to drive traffic to your business.

    I have plenty of blog posts about Pinterest. They will all help you start to use Pinterest well – you can find those articles listed at the end of this post.

    Ladies in my 40k Club who are using Pinterest are seeing amazing gains on the platform. It has been one of the most successful platforms they have used. You should be using Pinterest as part of your business model.

    I teach deep Pinterest strategy inside 40k Club.
  5. Blog, Podcast or Youtube Channel
    This is often one part of a good business model that ladies miss. And yet it is an essential part.

    First of all you only need to choose one of these spaces. If you like to write, choose a blog (make sure that blog is on as a self hosted blog). If you like to talk but not be on camera, choose a podcast. My podcast is on Buzzsprout – it’s a great platform that’s pretty cheap. If you prefer face on camera choose a Youtube channel – the advantage of that is it is completely free to set up and use.

    The core reason you have one of these spaces is each one gives you the ability to show up and share deeper content/insights, that help to leverage your credibility as an expert.

    These spaces are not shallow like social media. And the content in these spaces have a longer life than the social content you post.

    Using one of these spaces, you can drive large volume organic traffic to them from Pinterest, and in those spaces, as you showcase your knowledge, expertise, credibility, you have much more opportunity to be able to drive people from those spaces to your mailing list, or to the products and services you sell.

2. Why This Business Model Works

This is a business model that links and flows.

It is a business model that maximises your opportunity to get organic traffic.

It is a business model that will help you create community.

It is a business model that will help you sell more.

Remember, the main goal of your business is to achieve:

  • traffic
  • leads
  • sales

Social media, Pinterest, and either your blog, podcast or Youtube channel give you the ability to get more eyes on you – creating more sources of traffic for your business.

Traffic from Pinterest, social media, your blog, podcast or Youtube channel can be converted into leads on your mailing list, or leads through DMs.

Traffic and leads from Pinterest, social media, your blog, podcast, Youtube channel and your mailing list can be converted in to sales through your website or marketplace platform.

Everything links. Each space has one or more purposes – to achieve traffic, leads and/or sales.

You safeguard your business more with this business model, not putting all your eggs in one basket which is a massive risk online.

Pinnable image with the text Three Start up tips to build a successful small business, with an image of a woman in shorts standing at an office desk writing on paper.

3. Why You Should Introduce This Business Model

Whether you are a creative business owner, a coaching business owner or any other sort of female business owner, this business model will help you get results more quickly.

Not only that, once you have this business model set up, and you understand how it works, you will find that you can get more done, in less time, with quicker results.

No more showing up confused. No more messy, disconnected business that is not working for you or your audience.

Adopting this business model myself took me from struggle to way past 40k revenue success.

Ladies in my 40k Club membership are seeing much quicker, easier gains in their businesses following this business model, with more free time and less overwhelm. They know where their businesses are going, they know where they have to show up and what they have to do.

The results are coming in.

Once you have this business model set up – it is important to stick with it for the longer haul, and not to get sidetracked.

Results take time. The more you can commit to this model and learn how to use it effectively to get great results in your business, the more success will come your way.

Let me know how you get on or if you have any questions – drop into comments below!


The three tips above are tips any business owner can follow. However, utilising these tips as part of your start-up business, will help you avoid many mistakes early on, and months or years of frustration without any real success.

I wish you the best luck on your business journey! Let me know how you get on.

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Bonus Material

This free video will walk you through creating a great business model to achieve any 40k goals that would be life changing for you.

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