How To Manifest Your Small Business Dreams Through Mindset

How To Manifest Your Small Business Dreams Through Mindset
There is no doubt that growing a small business in the online space is a hard journey, and that every single day we have to do our best to bring positive energy to our businesses to be able to create a dream life from the rewards our small business brings.
Negative thoughts and negative self-talk can create negative energy that impacts the way we work in our small businesses, and the success we achieve.
To manifest the business of your dreams, whilst many ‘gurus’ talk about the law of attraction, creating a vision board and using positive affirmations to help you succeed in your small business, those tools are not the be all and end when it comes to using your mind to create huge success online.
In this post I want to talk about your mindset, and how to become more aware of the conversations you have with yourself day in and day out, that may be impacting your success. I want to cover the importance of being aware of your subconscious mind and the conversations you have with yourself, so that you can take positive action in the best way to help limit negative emotions about yourself as a female small business owner, and about your small business.
I’ve had to work really hard on my internal conversations. As I look back I recognise that I lived much of my younger life with a negative attitude towards life and business (always expecting the worst case scenario), and that a positive attitude was not really part of my daily life.
The result of that negative mindset was that I saw many experiences in my small business as negative experiences, rather than just normal challenges in business to overcome. I was always waiting for bad things to happen, I had many limiting beliefs about my ability to grow a successful business, and the self doubt and negative self-talk I immersed myself in led to more of the same, and to plenty of poor past experiences in my small business journey.
Small things matter on a daily basis in your business. One of those small things is to be mindful enough to take small steps every day to become aware of the limiting conversations you have with yourself, and to take steps to turn your negative emotions into good feelings that will then help in the process of manifestation to build the small business of your dreams.
At some point in my past I recognised how much my negative approach to business was impacting not only my business, but also my health. For the sake of my future self and my future business success, things had to change.
My approach to developing a more positive mindset didn’t happen overnight. I had to put in the hard work, become much more aware of my own thoughts day by day, and take small, actionable steps towards developing more positive thoughts and taking inspired action in my business to bring good things into my business and life.

That’s not to say that I’ve been able to rid myself of negative thoughts and emotions. They still exist in my life, but over time I’ve become much more adept at noticing when I’m starting to loop through negative thoughts and negative emotions, and to take proactive steps to turn those emotions around.
This is something that successful people do. It’s not that they never experience negative thoughts and emotions, however they become aware of those patterns quickly and use positive statements to turn the negatives around.
Rarely are the negative thoughts we have the reality of our daily business lives. An essential part of being a successful female small business owner is to have a strong commitment to developing new habits and taking concrete steps using different techniques to turn negative self talk into positive self talk.
When you do this with clear intention, you automatically start to develop a more positive outlook every day, and that outlook brings with it the power to have clear vision about your business, to let go of any resistance to doing the things in your business you need to do to become successful, and to achieve small business success beyond your wildest dreams.
The strongest tool I have used to turn negative thoughts around is one that I mentioned above. It is simply becoming aware when the negative thoughts surface, and to use positive statements to turn them around. Here’s an example:-
Negative thought: “I’m no good at business. I don’t know why I ever started this journey. I’ll never be successful.”
Positive affirmation: “Look how far you have already come, how much you have learnt, the results that have already happened, the people who want your products and services. You are early on in your journey – there is so much more to come!”
By focusing on positive things as soon as I feel those negative emotions arise, I am using positive affirmation as a powerful tool to change the feedback loop I can get stuck in with the negative self talk. And the more I use those positive affirmations, the more I start to develop the powerful habit of switching out negative thoughts to positive ones, letting go of resistance and bringing myself back to the job of building a successful small business.
In my opinion, all of the vision boards, and law of attraction principles have little value unless you take the first step and the most important step to become more mindful of your thoughts. When you are able to become more mindful of your thoughts and practice positive affirmations to turn negative thoughts into positive ones, you’ll find that much of the journey you go on in your small business will comprise positive experiences, because you will see so much more of your daily business life as you living your best life, rather than you seeing everything as some awful challenge you have to overcome.
The simple act of being mindful of your thoughts, and wiping out the negative thoughts as soon as they surface, replacing them with positive affirmations can be a single powerful way to manifest your greatest desires in your business, and to bring growth and success that enables you to earn enough money from your business to completely transform your everyday life.
When you’re ready to go deeper, and to take you small business to greater success in the online space without as much stress, anxiety and struggle, start by choosing one of my free small business guides below (note: you should choose both – they each have great value!).