How To Set 40k Business Revenue Goals You Can Achieve

How To Set 40k Business Revenue Goals You Can Achieve

Introduction There are many, many female small business owners struggling to make enough sales and revenue in their small businesses, to make their businesses worthwhile. So much effort is being invested in growing businesses, for so little return. My entire mission is to change that, and to help ladies just like you set out a…

9 Tips To Sell Digital Products In Your Small Business
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9 Tips To Sell Digital Products In Your Small Business

No matter the online business you run, digital products can be a great way to significantly increase revenue to your online store. Digital products can provide a passive income stream, that takes away from the daily pressure to have to keep selling and shipping physical products. With the increasing cost of materials, and shipping prices…

15 Ecommerce Tips To Boost Sales For Your Small Business
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15 Ecommerce Tips To Boost Sales For Your Small Business

Of course we all want more sales and revenue in our small businesses! Whether you have an e-commerce store like Shopify, a standalone website that sells services or products, or you operate from a marketplace platform like Etsy, your goal as a small business owner is to make money so that your business remains alive…

How To Manifest Your Small Business Dreams Through Mindset
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How To Manifest Your Small Business Dreams Through Mindset

How To Manifest Your Small Business Dreams Through Mindset There is no doubt that growing a small business in the online space is a hard journey, and that every single day we have to do our best to bring positive energy to our businesses to be able to create a dream life from the rewards our small business brings. Negative thoughts and negative…

What’s Normal To You In Your Small Business?
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What’s Normal To You In Your Small Business?

I wanted to talk to you about all the things that people consider to be normal. And how trying to be normal to fit in can cause you to really struggle in your business. Normal is one of those subjects that is a very individual thing. What may seem normal to you in your life and…

Why Your Greatest Opportunity As A Female Entrepreneur Is Now
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Why Your Greatest Opportunity As A Female Entrepreneur Is Now

Introduction In recent years we’ve seen more and more small businesses explode into the online space. And the good news is that many of those small businesses are women-led businesses. There has been enormous growth in female founders becoming hugely successful entrepreneurs. Where once the opportunity to grow a successful work from home small business…

Why You Need A Mailing List In Your Small Business
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Why You Need A Mailing List In Your Small Business

One of the important key components of any good business model is a mailing list. And yet it is one component I see many female entrepreneurs skip creating for their small business. In this post I’ll cover why it’s essential that you set up and use a mailing list, the benefits of doing this, and…

Allergic To Selling In Your Small Business?
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Allergic To Selling In Your Small Business?

The art of selling. I don’t know why so many people feel icky about selling. I know small business owners who feel their blood turn to ice at the very thought of opening their mouths and promoting their products and services. As if we’re insulting people by doing so. But girl. If you don’t sell….

Focus On The Money In Your Small Business

Focus On The Money In Your Small Business

DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH FOCUS ON MAKING MONEY IN YOUR BUSINESS? If you don’t think the main purpose of your business is to make money, think again. I don’t care what business you run, who you are, or the audience you serve. If what you’re doing sits under the umbrella of a business – your…