The TEN Secrets Of Successful Email Marketing

BY female entrepreneurschool

January 2024

Build A Targeted Email List

Tip 1

Be sure to prioritise building your mailing list as part of your daily business life.

Know Your Audience

Tip 2

Spend time learning who your audience is and what their wants and needs are, so you can craft emails that resonate with them.

Use Great Subject Lines

Tip 3

Use interesting and intriguing subject lines in your emails to encourage people to open and read.

Add Value Through Content

Tip 4

Deliver enough value in your email content that your subscribers want to stick around and continue to read.

Email Design: Friend or Foe?

Tip 5

The quality of the content in your email is more important than design, but great design or simple type will both work well.

Metrics That Matter

Tip 6

Your metrics are there to help - keep an eye on which emails are working well. Do more of them!

Email Automation: Your Friend

Tip 7

Use email automations throughout your business to keep your audience on a journey with you and save you time.

Email Frequency

Tip 8

Bare minimum you should be sending one email a week. However, it really should be more!

Respect Privacy

Tip 9

Never ever sell or share your email subscribers information.

Continuous Growth And Learning

Tip 10

Continuously learn how to become better with your email marketing strategy.

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From Female Entrepreneur School